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We've returned home to the Seattle area as of August 2008, what an experience we've had! Please contact us via the links on this page with any questions or comments you may have.

The Winnebago Sightseer 35J has been sold to a lovely Scottish couple, so it will continue its adventures in Europe.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Headed out!!

Posted 19.March; back-dated to chronological order.

Some days it all just works. The alarm clock didn’t go off, but I was up early. Made coffee and started putting things away. By 9:30, all of us had showered, pancakes were coming off the stove, a second pot of coffee was on.

We had a really enjoyable breakfast with our Dutch friends (and yes, the pancakes turned out OK using self-rising flour + a little leftover baking soda we found). Regrettably, I finally had to end the morning and kick our guests out. The rental car had to be back by 11:30am and I still had to get gas.

I’ve said remarkably little about the highway system in Southern Spain. Suffice it to say it seems to assume that the driver has pre-existing knowledge as to how it works. Just because you can exit doesn’t mean you can get back on the freeway at that junction. If you miss an exit, it may be another 25km before you can get turned around. Sometimes you can only get on the freeway, going one direction, then must proceed to an exit that shows a cross over sign before you can get on the freeway going the other direction.

Such was the case. I had to get on the freeway going toward Marbella to get to the gas station that was a block away from us, but on the wrong side of the freeway. We got gas easily enough. But now, I was going the wrong way (toward Malaga) and had to go about 15 km to a point where we could make the turn around. Only there was an accident on the freeway… I had 30 minutes to get the car back. We crept through, took a side exit street (allows access to the businesses that border the freeway and then allows you back on the freeway in the same direction). Saw that the grocery store was open and decided to give it a try. Megan and I did a whirlwind run, grabbing a bit of everything (we could give any of those old shopping gameshows a run for their money!). Tossed it all in the back of the Fiat and zipped back to the campground. Dan just about had a heart attack when I pulled back up in the rental car. We were set on leaving TODAY! With 15 minutes to go, we unloaded, jumped back in, and zipped off the scary back roads to the rental shop. Megan and I had a very pleasant walk along the freeway home. I think she was just glad that I was no longer driving!

Feeling nervous about leaving without our package, we continued to pack up and get out of there. I paid up the bill and discussed possibilities of forwarding mail to Paris. The office suggested we wait until 2. Turns out, it was 20 EURO less expensive for me to pay for 14-nights than for 13 nights. The receptionist was beside herself with disbelief… “You want to pay for 14 but only stay for 13?” Yes, I explained. And if it’s a problem, you’ll have to listen to me talk about the washing machine that doesn’t work and the faulty water pressure which doused the kids in cold water… I got the lower price.

Miracle of miracles, the campsite golf cart pulled up and delivered our package. Ah. We can get on the road FINALLY. It honestly felt like we would never leave this particular campground. We love the friendships we made, but it’s time to move on (plus, we are due in Paris by 10.March!!!).

Next stop: Seville.

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